sabato 27 aprile 2013

Look #1596

Hair: >TRUTH< Haven - blaze
Skin: ::Modish:: HeartTaker sunkiss
..::Drunk Devil ::.. ~ Leopard ~ MESH Heart Top
:: Miss Canning :: [ Akasha Pants] + 10 Colors HUD marketplace
*So&So*Kumi bracelet meshLeopard
...::: Scrub :::... XXX Nails
+:+WTG+:+ **Black Queen** collar
Shoe: {{BSD Design Studio}}stay cool model-orange for SL Fashion week

2 commenti:

  1. hello I am a follower of your blog, and I put you in my blog list, I would like to exchange links? greetings from :D

  2. hello thanks :) I joined your blog: P
